Making a Difference: How Supporting a Cause Can Boost Your Small Online Store

In the world of e-commerce, customers care about more than just products – they care about the values behind the businesses they choose. For small online stores like yours, getting behind a cause isn’t just a nice thing to do; it’s a smart move that can help your business grow. Let’s dive into why adding a touch of social responsibility to your shop can be a game-changer.

1. Being a Good Business

Picture your online store as that dependable local shop everyone likes. When you show you care about something beyond just selling products – like supporting a cause – people start seeing your store as a positive force. This reputation can go a long way in winning customer loyalty.

2. Connecting with Values-Driven Shoppers

There’s a growing number of customers who actively look for brands that share their values. Cause marketing is like putting up a sign saying, “We care too!” When your store supports a cause, you’re more likely to attract customers who want to shop with a purpose. These are the customers who’ll keep coming back because they like what you stand for.

3. Standing Out in the Crowd

Think of your online store as a booth in a bustling market. How do you stand out? By showing you’re not just there to sell, but also to make a positive impact. Cause marketing is your unique selling point – the thing that sets you apart from other online stores. When shoppers see you’re doing good, they’ll remember your store in a sea of options.

4. Happy Team, Better Business

You might not have a huge team, but even if it’s just you or a small crew, involving your team in a cause can boost morale. Happy team members mean better service for your customers. Plus, it’s a great feeling knowing your online store isn’t just about products – it’s making a positive difference.

5. Local Support for Your Online Shop

Your online store might not have a physical storefront, but it’s still part of a community. Cause marketing lets you show support to local initiatives. When people see that your online store cares about the same things they do, they’re more likely to choose you over some faceless giant.

In summary, cause marketing isn’t just for big businesses with big budgets. It’s a straightforward yet powerful way for your small online store to make a positive impact, connect with customers who care, and stand out in the crowded online marketplace. So, why not let your shop be known not just for what it sells, but for the good it does too?

WordPress + Woocommerce donation plugins

There are numerous WordPress plugins, both free and premium which can help small business owners to take or make charity donations through their WordPress website or Woocommerce store. In a series of articles we will review them in turn and compare their functionality, usability and price as well as the pros and cons of using them.

Here is an overview of the main types of charity donation plugins that are available:

  1. A charity donation box on product, cart and / or checkout pages (Woocommerce stores)
  2. Charity donation form (Charity websites, WordPress blogs or Woocommerce stores)
  3. Charity donation upsells – store donates money or an item based on certain criteria e.g. basket reaches certain amount, customer buys a certain product

Look out for our articles as we test and review all the Charity Donation plugins available.

How small businesses can benefit from cause marketing

Cause marketing can increase credibility for a small business and encourage more customers with similar values to purchase from them. It’s also great for brand awareness and partnerships with charities and non-profits can bring many advantages in terms of exposure.

According to a Google Cloud poll, the majority of customers prefer spending with businesses whose values align with their own and will not buy from companies whose values conflict.

Supporting causes can also can also improve employee engagement and in terms of hiring and retention.

Sustainability is also a very important factor for over half of customers. 

So what makes a successful cause marketing campaign?

  1. Make your causes relevant for your company and products
  2. Be clear about your values and goals with specific causes and campaigns
  3. Communicate clearly the impact of your contributions to the charity
  4. Rewards customers for loyalty with contributions to a charity

Start small and experiment with works for your business.